
Question & Answer

Check our FAQs for quick answers to frequently asked questions

Are there additional costs for the free training sessions offered??

No, the training sessions are complimentary for our users. We believe in empowering you with the knowledge needed to make the most of our software at no extra cost.

Is there a refund policy for Edusolvix subscription plans??

Yes, Edusolvix offers a satisfaction guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with our service within the first 30 days of your subscription, we will provide a full refund, no questions asked.

Is there a limit to the number of users who can access Edusolvix within our School & College?

Edusolvix offers unlimited user access within your School & College. Whether it's administrators, teachers, or support staff, everyone can have their own account without any additional charges..

How does Edusolvix handle data backup and recovery??

Edusolvix employs regular automated data backup procedures to ensure the safety of your information. In the rare event of data loss, our system allows for efficient recovery to minimize disruptions.

Can Edusolvix assist with the migration of data from our existing system to your platform?

Yes, Edusolvix offers data migration support. Our team will work with you to facilitate a smooth transition, ensuring that your existing data is accurately and securely transferred to our platform.

What kind of hardware or technical requirements are necessary for Schools /Colleges to effectively use Edusolvix??

Edusolvix is designed to be user-friendly with modest hardware requirements. A standard computer or laptop with internet access is sufficient for effective use. Our support team can provide detailed technical specifications for optimal performance..


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